Me, working on a linen mesh

Me, working on a linen mesh

Because I get asked a lot:

Vegan Recipe Resources

When your hobby collects hobbies...

Confession: I may have a minor addiction to linen. And string. And all the pretty things. In 2015, I married into a family of heavy fighters. In January of 2020, I volunteered to become Seneschal of Golden Rivers in central Cynagua. I'm not entirely sure why I agreed to either of these things, but I'm still glad I did. I, for my part, am here for the pretty dresses. I've been costuming for the stage and making my own clothing since 2007. When I attended my first event and saw so many exquisite works of art adorning the populace, I was hooked. And I found a mission: to outfit my fighter family. This mission, I am sad to say, will never be complete, because fighter garb has a way of accumulating holes rather quickly...